One-piece dress. How to choose the perfect one?
Nothing adorns a woman like a perfect dress. This is a win-win element of women’s wardrobe, but the dress must be chosen correctly, taking into account the type of figure, event and even the season. How to find the perfect dress that suits you? Let’s try to find out more.
Обираючи сукню, потрібно чітко розуміти, що ви шукаєте – повсякденний та універсальний, або ж вечірній чи коктейльний варіант? А головне – з чим ви комбінуватимете. Спершу варто звернути увагу на свій тип фігури та її особливості.When choosing a dress, you need to clearly understand what you are looking for – casual and versatile, or evening or cocktail option? And most importantly – what you will combine. First you should pay attention to your body type and its features.

“Sand clock”. Representatives of this type of figure always have balanced proportions. So almost any type of dress will suit you. It all depends on your preferences. Tip: emphasize the waist, it always looks more feminine, emphasizes the benefits of the figure and makes it even more attractive.
“Triangle”. The peculiarity of this figure is that the main volume is concentrated in the upper part of the body. The most advantageous style is a tight top and a lush bottom, for example, models with a skirt – “tulip”. Equally relevant is the emphasis on the thighs in the form of bows, ruffles and other decorative elements.

“Pear”. Choose models of dresses with a darker bottom, but with a bright top that could attract attention. Models with bright decor on the bodice will be an ideal option. As for the styles and cut, straight and slightly flared models will fit here.
You should also choose fitted dresses, but not tight-fitting, with a straight cut skirt and an accent at the top. “Rectangle”. Features of the figure: shoulders and thighs are proportional, but the waist is indistinct. Wide belts and belts, dresses with corset lines and a geometric pattern that creates a visual effect on the waist, makes it visually thinner are best for such a figure. You can also consider options with a clear waist line, where the dark bottom contrasts with the lighter top and vice versa. “Apple”. One of the main tips is wide belts, dark belts and corsets. The most winning silhouettes of dresses: straight balloon dress, layered dresses and flared models. In addition, very winning options are dresses cut obliquely and with a V-neck.
You can use the color palette to adjust any shape. For example, dark tones will make it more elegant, slender. On the contrary, light will add extra volume. The main thing when choosing a color – to consider the tone of your skin. This is very important, because the wrong color can give the skin an unhealthy tone and add extra years.

The length of the dress can successfully emphasize a good figure and hide flaws. Evening dresses and summer sundresses look great with a maxi length. This length is suitable for tall girls, and small height it will only reduce.
It is desirable for short women to raise the waist line: it will lengthen the legs a bit. Also, do not choose knee length and below. And for high height, any length is suitable.
Just do not choose too lush and short skirts. The perfect dress can make you even more attractive and beautiful, convey the mood, emphasize the advantages of the figure or hide its shortcomings.
When creating the perfect image, do not forget about hair, makeup and accessories. You can pick it all up at the Roksolana shopping center, where professional consultants will be happy to help.

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